Friday, November 14, 2008

I have no idea what I want to study or be when I have to grow up!

This section is under construction.

Consider taking an interest inventory! From our experience...whenever we can get a student to take one of the career or interest inventories, it is amazing what they learn about themselves!
Even better....some of these inventories can help us take the next steps to understanding what avenue to choose for ourselves! Come on! Give it a try! They are super user friendly...and so are the counselors who are here to assist you!

What are my options if I do not want to attend a university or community college directly after high school?

No matter is important to do something with yourself.
Consider getting trained in... (this section under construction).

Need a letter of recommendation?

Please provide a resume of your involvements, jobs, interests and awards or recognitions over the last 4 years. Please also include a list of your schools of interests.
Also, allow two weeks from the time of your resume submition for us to complete a letter.
Be aware of application deadlines.

With your resume, submit a stamped addressed envelope per school you are applying.

Don't forget to request a transcript through the registrar's office!
Those forms can be filled out in our office or registrar's office.

There is a recommendation packet in our office that may also be used to guide you.

Who is my counselor?

Counselors are assigned by alpha:
Jill Anderson (A-CAR)
Debbie Cogan (CAS-HAM)
Elyce Nasseri (HAN-MAY)
Carmen Bogany (MC-SAN)
Sarah Romero (SAO-Z)

We are located in the counseling suite, upstairs in room 402.
Our office hours are from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Ways to make-up credit or get ahead

FBISD Evening School at Progressive High School- Registration is in August and January. (Scholarships available to students on free/reduced lunch.)
FBISD Summer School- Applications arrive in the late spring. These are for core courses.
Texas Tech- You may sign up in the counseling office (our signatures are required) for a credit by exam or correspondance course. Visit for more information.
Adult High School- Houston Community College (as well as other local colleges)-Visit for more information
Houston Learning Academy (HLA)- 281-240-6060 (located in Stafford)

National Teen Dating Hotline A project of the National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline which beleives "Trust yourself. If things do not feel right call or chat online-" They will help you recognize the red flags. It is anonymous and free.

In a crisis and need to talk?

Call TALKLINE -TALK (8255)


November 5, 2008- last day to submit level change AND/OR drop a class for a study hall
January 30, 2009- last day to add a one semester course
Feb. 13th- last day to drop a course for a study hall (and retain UIL eligibility)
Mar. 6th- last day for a level change
Apr. 8th- last day to drop a course for a study hall

Dates are determined by district.

Career Information Occupational Outlook Handbook. Site of Beaureau of Labor Statistics. Search by career. Interest inventories and college and career information. Get log in code from the GO Center.

Scholarship Sites and Financial Aid Sites

NCAA Clearinghouse

Financial Aid Application

Common Application

ACT dates and registration

SAT dates and registration